Thursday, February 6, 2014


THE STORIES WE NEVER HEAR ABOUT: What Americans Must Know!: These young boys work as slaves for room and board or $1 per day to make companies billions of dollars. These companies  make millions in operating profits during the quarter
and billions per year keeping Afrikans in poverty, destroying the
Eco-System, preventing economic growth and sustainability for Africans. A
transformed  an age-old concept of  the Transatlantic Slave Trade with a
new name--Industrialized Slavery. Who are these companies? Just a very small number are represented by the following companies:#Kraft, #Nestle,   #CocaCola, #Pepsico, #Heinz,  #ProctorGamble, #GeneralMills, #Nike,  #Adidas,  #KimberlyClark, #Monsanto, #Telecom, #Yum!Brands [(Pizza Hut), (Taco Bell),  (KFC)]; #GeneralElectric, #DuPont, #BlackWater just to  name a few.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What the World Must Know!

These young boys have never tasted chocolate candy.  They have  no idea what coca is used for.  They are either slaves who work for food and shelter or for slave wages by any country's standards around the World for  $1.00 per day.

Afrikan resources are widely used and needed by Afrika and other countries. Many of Afrikan resources are unavailable to Afrikans such as oil and gas as foreign companies export oil and other natural resources, which are then imported at higher costs to Afrikans. Farmers cannot export many crops because of the restrictions imposed for the use of pesticides. Yet, American companies import and manufacture the same pesticides that are killing  Afrikans. It is said that "the estimated cost of pesticide poisoning exceeds the total amount of international aid for basic health services for the region, excluding HIV/Aids. These pesticides could cost Sub-Saharan Africa $90 billion in Illness." Reports the Guardian

However, the large foreign companies rape the land and the people keeping them in poverty; forcing them to work for food and shelter, paying little for Afrikas products contributing very little to the communities and its people. 

Who are these company's?  There are many foreign companies including  China, India and European companies who keep Afrikans in slavery and the vicious cycle of poverty with their slave ethics, unjust export policies, unfair trade; and, highly exorbitant priced imports.  However, I do believe that the worst offenders are in the Country known as leaders in a free world--the USA!

All these countries claim to aid Afrikans, protect the environment, contribute to sustainable living, promote a viable economy and make technical, educational and economic advancements.
Miners killed  at  illegal mine.
These companies make billions upon millions of dollars per quarter, billions a year, yet they do not return or invest back into the townships with exception to their plush offices and buildings.  Neither do the local communities benefit from these companies depletion of  natural resources; the harms they inflect upon the Eco-system, increased erosion, barren wastelands, harms to wildlife; they contaminate the food with genetically modified seeds and chemical fertilizers; they pollute rivers and waterways;  and, they take away the peoples vitality draining them of hope! 

Take a look at some of these US company's investments from the Afrikan side or should I say lack of investments:


Who are these companies? Just a very small number of the larger companies are represented by the following companies:

Kraft, Nestle,   Coca Cola, Pepsico, Heinz,  Proctor & Gamble, General Mills, Nike,  Adidas,  Kimberly Clark, Monsanto, Hines, Telecom, Yum! Brands [(Pizza Hut), (Taco Bell),  (KFC)]; General Electric, DuPont, Black Water just to  name a few. 

These companies and more make million in operating profits during the quarter, 3-M $500 million, Syngenta $500 million, Cummins  $36 million, Marriott International  earned $19 million from the Middle East and Africa in 2011, 10% of the company’s net income;  SPX  an Industrial conglomerate $281 million,  American Tower  who owns more than 4000 wireless towers on the continent offering poor service to Afrikan households nets $106 million.

Hotep (Peace) Light One Love! 
 Apostle Rubie James

Thank you for your gracious donations

SUCARDIF   Sankofa United Continent Africa Roots Development International
                                      Tower of Return
                                      Stone of Tears
                                      Black Doors of Tears
PAAHD    Pan Afrikan Ancestoral Historical Designs

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books, 60% of revenue from sells goes to support MISSION GHANA.

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